Bullet Journaling

 So there's a new trendy thing to journal. It's called bullet Journalling.

So basically it's an analog way of keeping track items daily. To keep track and keep notes of your ideas. So everything is in one place. I would love to do that but I think I'm too lazy to do it on a real notebook. Hence, I created my very own Digital Bullet Journal.

Basically, I just keep a list of things. the first list is my daily log where I put things I'm grateful for, Tasks I need to accomplish. Then I've also got my Future Log which it's like a bird's eye view of the future. Then I've got my custom list. I've got the Travel Destinations I plan to go to. I keep track of the minute details like the date, where to stay, and google Maps. Then I've got my bucket list where I put 36 on 36. Things I want to accomplish before I turn 36. And it's like a goal I have before I turn 36. 

I think this is a good way for me to accomplish the things I really need and things I want to keep in mind. It's also a place for me to learn new skills.

